Hey developers, I have created the list of free web hosting service providers that I have found in the past weeks!
- My youtube channel - Vuelancer
Freemium Resources
- Heroku — https://heroku.com
- Netlify — https://netlify.com
- Vercel (Zeit) — https://vercel.com
- Firebase — https://firebase.com
- Surge — https://surge.sh
- Render — https://render.com
- Hostman — https://hostman.com
- Glitch — https://glitch.com
- Fly — https://fly.io
- Fleek — https://fleek.co
- Begin — https://begin.com
- Stormkit — https://stormkit.io
- Deta — https://deta.sh — customized nodejs app
- Commonshot — https://commons.host — Static web hosting and CDN.
- Heliohost - heliohost.org - PHP, Ruby on rails, perl, django, java(jsp)
- Fast - fast.io (updated)
- kintohub - kintohub.com - supports the static site, web app, backend apps. (updated)
Premium providers
- Digitalocean
- Microsoft Azure
- Vultr
- Alibaba Cloud
- Linode
Final thoughts
Use VERCEL for any front-end application as well as medium-level backend apps.
Use HEROKU for any level backend apps.
Other websites are also useful when you are deploying static sites. But I recommend you to go through each website and find which one suits your project.